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Holistic Weightloss/Cravings/Body Image Program and Study

Sun, Jan 31



Imagine what's possible when you spend focused attention and time on changing the way you interact with food, weight, size, image, habits and cravings? You're invited to experience the Cognomovement Way.

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Holistic Weightloss/Cravings/Body Image Program and Study
Holistic Weightloss/Cravings/Body Image Program and Study

Time & Location

Jan 31, 2021, 9:00 AM – Feb 23, 2021, 1:00 PM


About the Event

Would you like to join a weight loss study program, that does NOT include a diet or exercise regimen and can still get you results?

Did that get your attention? I bet it did!

Do you mind if I ask you a couple more questions?

  • Have you tried all of the diets you are “supposed” to do, but they just don’t work for you?
  • Or have you been on a diet and as soon as you go off, you gain the weight right back?
  • Do you have a passion for food and think you have to choose between that passion and having the body you dream of?
  • Or do you have at least one exercise program that is sitting on your shelf or in your phone or computer that has been unused or only used once?
  • How many times have you decided to eat “healthy” only to binge eat 4 donuts in one sitting by the end of the day? (Don’t worry, we have personal experience with that!)
  • Have you tried EVERYTHING and still can’t reach your weight or body size goals?

Let me tell you something you haven’t tried yet…

The Cognomovement Way!

I’ll get to the point in just a minute. But first, let me tell you WHY you may be struggling with these things. Bare with me, I promise I will explain.

Your body stores “important” memories. Why did I put important in quotes? Because in your mind these memories may seem inconsequential, but at the time, the feeling you had was significant enough for your body to place a red flag there. When something happens in your life that triggers your fight or flight response, that then gets stored somewhere in your body so that you will know what to do if it happens again.

Let me give you light example: You are walking down the street, and you trip and fall. Everybody around is laughing, nobody stops to see if you are ok. Your knee is a little bruised, but more than anything you are embarrassed, so embarrassed that your stomach hurts. Your high-on-adrenaline mind thinks “Everybody thinks I’m a joke, nobody cares about me.” Your body stores that feeling. Now, every time you are walking down the street your stomach starts to hurt, you are on high alert for every crack, bump and obstacle. These triggers in your body signal your mind to remember “Everybody thinks I’m a joke, nobody cares about me.”

Think about if you fell in front of all of those people and you laughed it off, got up and went about your day. Things that are insignificant to you, don’t get stored in your body or your memories. Imagine what kind of pain or trigger your body stores when you’ve had terrible breakup, a huge fight with with a relative or close friend, or a physical trauma. What has YOUR body stored that is causing you discomfort, dis-ease, or OVERCONSUMPTION of stress?

Now, don’t be mad at your body, it’s just trying to keep you from harm. What kinds of things has YOUR body stored to protect you?

So what does this have to do with weight loss, body size and body image?

Well…EVERYTHING! When you are craving something, is it because you are hungry? Or is it because you are stressed, unfulfilled, anxious or “stuffing down feelings”? And what would happen if you got rid of THOSE feelings? Would you still be craving that whole chocolate cake? Would you still eat until you were miserably stuffed? Probably not!

Are you starting to see where I am going with this?

Let’s go back to those questions you were asked in the beginning. What if I told you:

  • You don’t have to have a life-long struggle with diet to keep your weight or size down
  • You don’t have to suffer with weight gain as soon as you stop eating “healthy”
  • You don’t have to give up food you love to have a body you love
  • You don’t have to force exercise that you hate to do
  • You can easily work in harmony with your body
  • You can LOVE your body


The simple answer? With Cognomovement.

It’s almost time to tell you about our program, but first let me tell you what it’s not.

  • This program is NOT a one-size-fits-all scheme.
  • This is NOT a workout regimen.
  • This is NOT a diet plan.
  • This is NOT a recorded dvd that will stay on your shelf forever, guilt-tripping you every time you walk by it.
  • As you can probably tell by now, this is NOT just about weight loss, body size or body image.
  • And You will NOT be the same at the end of this program!

We decided to do this study because Cognomovement users are losing weight, changing their bodies and the way they feel about their bodies. Often times, this happens in addition to what they had originally wanted to work on during their Cognomovement session. It's like an added bonus that people aren't even expecting. If this is happening accidentally with a regular Cognomovement session, imagine what's possible when you spend focused attention and time on changing the way you interact with food, weight, size, image, habits and cravings?

Now, without further ado… let’s dive into the details of this program.

This is a 5 Week Program and Study

The Program begins Sunday Jan 31st with a 4 hour kick-off training

The Study:

  • Every Tuesday evening at 4 pm (February 2,9,16,23) we will cover another topic and check in
  • Participants will be required to participate in every meeting
  • Participants perform a daily 3-5 minute session and check in to a private online FB group during the week, Monday- Friday
  • Participants will be required to either measure or weigh weekly and report results (losses or gains, not acutal overall weight)
  • At the end of the program you will be required to fill out a questionnaire, including questions about your experience with the program, what has changed in your overall life and whether you would like your results to be shared with your name or anonymously.

There is a prerequisite for this program

Tickets are limited and time is running out, so make sure you register today!

Commonly Asked Questions

What is the fee?

The fee for this program is $299.

Why is there a fee if this is a study?

The fee is to cover the cost of the training at the beginning of the program. Trust us, whether you get results from the study or not, things will already start changing for you by the end of this initial class.

Are there any prerequisites for this class? Yes, you must complete the Basic Training Video Course to participate in this program.


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    +$7.48 service fee
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